An expansive music project that showcases rock music through various compositions and collaborations, Far From Your Sun is a unique multi-media experience. Combining music with photography, painting, and writing, the project is built on a very special ethos, one that explains how we can all live happily in the shadow of the artificial lights, far from the fads and a flattering, but often elusive, misleading sun.
An intriguing and talented band whose music is an art form, and not a product for commercial gain, Far From Your Sun have recently announced details of their highly anticipated second album, ‘The Origin of Suffering’, and to celebrate, we thought it was about time we went back and examined their ground-breaking debut record in full.
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Far from Your Sun is characterized of interplay of intensity — both musically and philosophically. It appears that intensity forms the main character of the musical composition, an intensity of emotional reflection on things dark and troubling for both humans and nature. There is a lot of musical works both vocal and instrumental, a piece of pure art, poetry, drama, a reflection of pure romanticism.
The focus of the band is to provide listeners with pure and original form of art. Hence, every piece in the album is 100% studio-based. Back in 2016 they came out with their first album “In the Beginning…Was the Emotion”, which drew a maelstrom of praise for its distinctive style and original format. An hour-long rich eargasmic experience, the progressive rock epic album offers a unique aural odyssey characterized by distinct polarising sounds that brings forward the intensity of emotional influence upon the listeners.
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Far From Your Sun is a rock/prog-rock/metal group. Of note is that the band is entirely studio-based and anonymous; the group does not reveal their identities of the members, an effort to put the music front and center – and an approach that certainly succeeds. Today we take a listen to Far From Your Sun’s 2016 album In the Beginning… Was the Emotion – as well as help announce their upcoming album The Origin of Suffering slated for release in early 2022!
In the Beginning… Was the Emotion kicks off with “Far from Your Sun”, a track that shares the same name as the band; in many ways, this track feels like a mission statement for the band. Though it is actually one of the shorter songs on the album, it introduces Far From Your Sun’s prog-metal style in an engaging and easily enjoyable way. “Under the Hands of Time” follows and it really pulls its weight as an excellent progressive track. This one really builds in strength throughout its duration and has a healthy punch to it that really strikes its way into your memory – I dig it. “Annabel Lee” is the third track on the album – and longest -, borrowing its name, thematic and most of its lyrics from the legendary Poe poem and truly bringing the words of that great poet to life in a way that I could not have imagined before listening; I remember this poem from grade school but the way it hits in this rendition is absolutely can’t-miss.
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Far From Your Sun is een project van rockcomposities, ontwikkeld met het werk van getalenteerde artiesten, ontstaan uit de wereld van fotografie, schilderkunst en poëzie. Elk stuk is gebaseerd op romantiek en poëzie, soms duister en verontrustend. Ieder nummer is de illustratie van een ervaring, een moment in de tijd, waarin zowel de mens als de natuur de hoofdrolspelers zijn. Far From Your Sun is 100% studiobased en een anoniem project, wat betekent dat de identiteit van de muzikanten onverhuld zal blijven. Geen foto’s, geen namen; Het doel is om muziek, en alleen muziek, op de eerste plaats te zetten.
Far From Your Sun bracht in 2016 hun eerste album ‘In the beginning… was the emotion’ uit. Door buitenmuzikale factoren was Far From Your Sun niet in de gelegenheid om het vervolg op dit album te presenteren. Tot nu, want momenteel werken ze aan dit volgende album, dat ‘The Origin of Suffering’ zal heten en begin 2022 zal verschijnen. Dit tweede album zal een zeer breed scala aan muziek bestrijken, van rocknummers tot meer ambient-akoestiek als verbeterde tracks met klassieke orkestinstrumenten.
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Today we are featuring a promising progressive rock band, Far From Your Sun, from France. We have reviewed latest album, In the Beginning... was the Emotion, along with its character, style, story, potential, and more.
Far From Your Sun is a promising prog-rock band I discovered a month ago with their latest album, In the Beginning... was the Emotion, which was released on February 15, 2016. For those who haven’t heard about the band before, Far From Your Sun has started their careers with a single album called; “Far From Your Sun“ in 2013. Since then, the band has released only one long-play album, “In the Beginning... was the Emotion” (2016). Now, please give the song a listen while reading the rest of the article.
As you might also remember from some of my previous articles, progressive music is my personal favorite and I am trying to follow what’s happening in the progressive scene as much as I can. Far From Your Sun is making music since 2013, yet apparently, they have failed to reach the right people with their progress, cause I didn’t know about their existence all this time, missed such an exciting collective here.
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Far From Your Sun (FFYS) es un proyecto multidisciplinar que combina composiciones de música rock con trabajos de otras disciplinas artísticas como el fotografía, la pintura o la poesía. Un proyecto en el que la música es la verdadera y única protagonista y, por ello, las identidades de de los músicos que lo componen no son reveladas, es decir, es un grupo 100% anónimo y de estudio.
En febrero de 2016, FFYS lanzaron In the beginning… was the emotion, su primer trabajo discográfico. Un álbum repleto de romanticismo y poesía, oscuro por momentos, donde el ser humano y la naturaleza son los principales protagonistas.
La participación de artistas de diversas disciplinas está presente en temas como Annabel Lee, tema inspirado en el último poema completo compuesto por Edgar Allan Poe. Así como en los desarrollos de temas como Life o On the path (of the hanged men). Y, por supuesto, en sus videoclips, en los que demuestran sus grandes influencias artísticas.
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Die Kunst der Romantik und der Dichtung, welche manchmal düstere Züge annehmen kann, sind große Schlagwörter, wenn es darum geht die allgemeine Kunst von Far From Your Sun (kurz FFYS) zu beschreiben. Dieses Kollektiv aus verschiedenen, talentierter Künstler welche alle in der Musik, Fotografie, der malerischen Kunst und der Dichtung liegt veröffentlicht mit Beyond The Light eine Art Remix aus ihrem Debütalbum, was der Veröffentlichung ihres kommenden neuen Langspielwerkes mit Zündstoff füttert. Far From Your Sun welche aus künstlerischer Sicht dem Konsumenten doch so einiges zu bieten haben, bereiten so auf ein weiteres Kapitel vor. Nach ihrem Debütalbum In The Beginning…. Was The Emotion, welches Far From Your Sun im Jahr 2016 veröffentlichten, konnten FFYS aus persönlichen Gründen für längere Zeit den Nachfolger zu diesem grandiosen Werk nicht der Öffentlichkeit präsentieren. Sechs Jahre später, soll im Frühjahr 2022 dieser Nachfolger mit dem Titel The Origin of Suffering das Licht der Welt erblicken, welches ihr auf dem Soundcloudprofil der Band bereits vorab hören könnt. Doch widmen wir uns nun den Ausgewählten Editionen, welche die Band auf Beyond The Light zu bieten haben.
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Far From Your Sun has released the song “A Thousand Lives.” The song can be best categorized in the rock genre, with the band showcasing their excellent ability to make enjoyable rock songs. Additionally, Far From Your Sun has released a lyric video for “A Thousand Lives,” which allows listeners to see the lyrics while also enjoying illustrations. These illustrations also help tell the story of the song, and are an integral part of the lyric video.
“A Thousand Lives” starts off with a roughly 50 second long instrumental. This instrumental is soothing and allows listeners to feel calm. Compromised entirely of acoustic guitar, Far From Your Sun begins this song strong, allowing listeners to get accustomed to the acoustic guitar before absorbing any particular lyrics. Still, it is a welcome change when the lyrics arrive, as they tell a story not obtained through simply listening to the guitar.
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Se amate i Muse ma state cercando qualcosa di ancora più di nicchia, siete nel posto giusto. Benvenuti nel mondo degli FAR FROM YOUR SUN, un gruppo di musicisti che ha scelto la strada dell’anonimato per puntare tutto sul valore della musica. Ed oggi ne abbiamo sempre più bisogno, dato che ormai abbiamo ridotto pure l’arte a puri numeri e calcoli, algoritmi che scelgono cosa ascoltare. Questa proposta musicale che pubblichiamo oggi è proprio per guidarvi nell’ascolto di qualcosa di diverso.
Ecco allora una breve review dell’ep Beyond The light, che sia rock questo disco lo abbiamo capito, ma ha qualcosa di sensazionale che possiamo rintracciare nella voce del cantante e nell’uso tagliente delle chitarre e della batteria. L’ep si apre con la traccia The eightfold path – Edit version
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Far From Your Sun is a rock/prog-rock/metal group. Of note is that the band is entirely studio-based and anonymous; the group does not reveal their identities of the members, an effort to put the music front and center – and an approach that certainly succeeds. Today we take a listen to Far From Your Sun’s 2016 album In the Beginning… Was the Emotion – as well as help announce their upcoming album The Origin of Suffering slated for release in early 2022!
In the Beginning… Was the Emotion kicks off with “Far from Your Sun”, a track that shares the same name as the band; in many ways, this track feels like a mission statement for the band. Though it is actually one of the shorter songs on the album, it introduces Far From Your Sun’s prog-metal style in an engaging and easily enjoyable way. “Under the Hands of Time” follows and it really pulls its weight as an excellent progressive track. This one really builds in strength throughout its duration and has a healthy punch to it that really strikes its way into your memory – I dig it. “Annabel Lee” is the third track on the album – and longest -, borrowing its name, thematic and most of its lyrics from the legendary Poe poem and truly bringing the words of that great poet to life in a way that I could not have imagined before listening; I remember this poem from grade school but the way it hits in this rendition is absolutely can’t-miss.
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If I was one of those people who clung desperately to generic labels, we would now be having a discussion about where prog-rock ends and post-metal starts. Thankful those days are long gone and the discerning listener doesn’t concern themself with such nonsense, preferring to just let the music do the talking.
And talk it does, in many tones and voices, sometimes serenading and seducing, occasionally hard-edged and heavy, both understated and ornate, balancing groove and grace, technicality and simplicity. It’s an album that covers a lot of ground.
There are many reasons to commend Far From Your Sun for what they have built here, not least their ability to weave intricate instrumentation into sonic sculptures, where many similarly armed bands working in the same musical territory opt instead to just throw everything they have at the listener; as if the musical impact has anything to do with volume.
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